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.Assessors' Agenda 09/22/2015
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road, Holland MA  01521
.Assessors’ Office/2nd Floor

Meeting Date: September 22, 2015           6:30 P.M.              

Minutes of meeting held June 23, 2015
Minutes of meeting held July 28, 2015
Minutes of meeting held August 18, 2015 no quorum
Monthly list of MV Excise Abatements granted in August levy of 2015 $700.11(signed  
       September 9th, 2015)
Notice of Commitment and Warrant to Collector MV Excise Commitment 5 of 2015 $12,944.46.
Discussion / Review:
FY16 Interim year adjustments VISION rep will be here later in September to
  finalize sales analysis and make any needed adjustments to values.
FY17 Recertification of Values RFP published in Republican
   Monday September 7th
FY17 Recertification of Values, Personal Property second home questionnaires
 were sent 9/9/2015. We have received a good number of responses so far.  
Selectmen chairman has initiated meetings with Tax Collector Treasurer,
  Accountant and Principal Assessor to discuss Tax Title and Town owned salable    
   properties in preparation for a land sale in the fall of 2016.

Executive session under rule number 3 of the Open Meeting Law
Any other issue that comes before the Board
           Memo from executive secretary:
               Department Head meeting planned for September 17, at 7:00 P.M..
          MAAO Fall Conference October 28th in Sturbridge
           ZBA hearing Mark Yaglowski 23 Craig Road for a Garage and bedroom addition
          ZBA hearing Samuel Spratin 19-21 Lee Avenue,  2nd floor addition to existing
           Docket no 326057 Appellant’s answers to appellees’ 1st set of interrogatories
              9/2/2015 and 9/8/2015. Appellant’s first request for the production of
              Documents, Appellant’s second set of interrogatories         
              Appellee’s answers to first set of interrogatories mailed was mailed Aug. 18, 15

The items listed which may be discussed at the meeting are those reasonably anticipated by the chair. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
Next scheduled meeting Tuesday October 13, 2015 6:30 P.M.